Tuesday, April 12, 2011

John Bowlby

Hello everybody!
Today I am going to talk you about one a person that I admire in my field. He is John Bowlby.
John Bolwby was a psychologist and doctor that he born in February 26, 1907 in London. He had a difficult infance, because the only person that took care of him (his beloved nanny), she left the home. This did that he felt unprotected.
He studied  psychology and preclinical sciences in the University of Cambridge. Then, when he was 26 years old, he was entitled to medicine and he decided to improve in psychoanalysis and psychiatry. He died September 2, 1990.
His work more important that it contributed to psychology is his famous attachment theory. The attachment, for Bowlby, is emotional bond that the child develops with his parents or caregivers and this provides him emotional security that is essential for healthy development of personality. The fundamental proposition of attachment theory is that the state of security, anxiety or fear of child is largely determined by the accessibility and response of his most important affection.
I admire to John Bowlby, because he proposed a theory that explain the importance that had for the children the emotional bond with your parents (o caregivers).
 You gotta know this theory!


  1. I would say he had a difficult CHILDHOOD.
    His MOST IMPORTANT work.

    Attachment theory ... I agree with it.
    From a different perspective; do you know that Bhuddism says people shoud not attach to things nor affections ?... Interesting contrast.

    That's my contribution!
    I'll continue reading about this theory.

    See u!

  2. Bowlby really was a great cientist.
    His teory is very usefull in psychoterapy.
