Hi bloggers!
Do you know when one person is nervous with only you see his gestures? Or do you know when one a person is he laid you? Well, I am going to talk you about a topic very interesting, because is part of our daily life. This topic is the non verbal language.
The main points I will be talking about are; firstly what is non verbal language and his importance in our life; then the culture as an influencing factor; and finally the non verbal language as diagnostic and therapy.
Let´s star with what is non verbal language. Non verbal is the process of communication in where there aren´t words, since the messages are transmit for gestures, body language or posture, facial expression and visual contact, the communication of objects like clothes, hairstyles, etc. According Pease (2007) this type of language have most meaning that the verbal communication, because the non verbal language have expressive and emotive function, being inevitable.
Let´s continue with the culture as influencing factor. According Cerro (2006) the gestures and postures have not the same value in the different cultures or different places of world. Cerro talk that cannot judges isolated gestures, on the contrary, these must study them in joint, in a context.
Let’s continue with the last point of my topic; the non verbal language as diagnostic and therapy. According Davis and Cornier the non verbal communication could help to psychologist and psychiatrist to determine attitude of the patients, for the great information that this transmit. Even this type of language is utilize in therapies as the psychodrama in when the patients dramatize their problems showing distances, spaces, time, the postures and involuntary movement.
In conclusion the non verbal language is an important process communicative, because it help us to communicate the things that we really want (or not want communicate) and it helps us to meet to the people how are really also.